New Zelan Customer Portal - Splynx

Financial documents - Recurring Services

Invoices, Receipts & Credit Notes will have a new format identifier, I-Snnnnnn, R-Snnnnnn & C-Snnnnnn respectively.

Financial documents - Non-Recurring Goods/Services

Invoices & Credit Notes will have the format, INV-nnnnnnnn & CN-nnnnnnnn respectively.

Q1. Why has the old system been replaced?

A1. The old Zelan CRM system was written by one WiFi equipment vendor, it has become increasingly proprietary to their solution and no longer fits our needs.

Q2. What is my new LoginID and Password?

A2. If you have an active Zelan account, you should by now have been issued a new LoginID and Password. If not, please let us know, your contact details might be out of date.

Q3. What is the format of the new LoginID and Password?.

A3. The new LoginID is 12 characters long, e.g. S01123450000 (prefix S, followed by 11 numeric digitsi). Your initial new Password is 8 characters long comprising only the characters, a to z, A to Z or 0 or 9, but excluding the letter "oh"

Q4. What information do I need to submit with Bank Payments?

A4. Please refer to specific instructions on Invoices, these can differ. In general invoice numbers with prefix I-S1 require a PayerID starting S01, this is your Portal login. Invoice numbers with prefix INV-0 require the Reference starting X2 that is quoted in the invoice.

Q5. I have received an invoice with the format INV-000nnnnn, what do I do?

A5. There are some legacy customers that have never been part of the old billing system, but are intended to be migrated in due course. Also, Zelan and/or its sister organisation ZPM may supply you with goods/services NOT related to Internet Services. These will be billed and accounted for separately and care needs to be taken NOT to aggregate these payments. The covering email should provide all the links and information you need in order to submit payment. If in doubt, please ask.

Q6. How do I change my Internet Plan?

A6. You can now change your plan in the new portal. However, only to another level within the same product group. To migrate between FWA and Fibre requires manual intervention and a new installation.

Q7. When will a Residential Internet Plan change be applied?

A7. Automated changes will take place at the beginning of the next uninvoiced period, i.e. those customers where invoices are issued 14 days before the next service period, you need to initiate the change within 14 days of the current period starting. You can request a manual change at any other time and a pro rated invoice will be issued, however there will be a $15.00 charge for manual changes.

Q8. When will a Business Internet Plan change be applied?

A8. Businesses on 14 day payment plans, same rules apply as for Residential. Businesses on 20th of the month payment plans can only request manual changes, these can be made at anytime, however both old and new plans will be concurrent unless the change is requested prior to the next invoice being issued. In effect this means 30 days notice required to avoid additional charges.

Q9. What does FWA mean?

A9. FWA = Fixed Wireless Access, this means a service provided at a fixed location requiring specialist installation, as opposed to Mobile Wireless Access which could be provided anywhere there is a signal available and can be easily moved.

Q10. I don't need Internet all the time, what can you offer?

A10. We now have a PAYG (Pay As You Go) Plan, you can buy Internet Access in Weekly blocks. However, this costs more than the equivalient Full Time plans. There may be additional charges for support and repairs. We are still working through these details, so more info later.

Q11. Why can't I access the Zelan Portal when on a Mobile Device or away from my installation address?

A11. You can access via a Mobile Device as long as it's connected to a WiFi Access Point within the Zelan Network. This includes the Greymouth Free WiFi provided by Zelan. The Zelan Portal is designed primarily to be accessed from within our network. We have had issues with the Portal being blocked in the past and if full access is allowed from anywhere on the Internet, it leaves the system vulnerable to attack. It is much safer to restrict to only local access. If you have a regular need to access the Portal from outside the Zelan Network, there are ways we can implement this securely, but would be at additional cost.

Q12. What does MIR and CIR mean on Invoices?

A12. MIR = Maximum Information Rate, CIR = Committed Information Rate. These are standard Internet terms that describe the service level provided. The MIR is what you pay for, but no guarantee. The speed you get is governed by the aggregate of what other customers are doing. Generally not everyone is making heavy usage simultaneously, but service can become slower at peak times. The CIR is the guaranteed minimum speed and may seem very low, but is determined and influenced by many factors, so needs to be low. The CIR for Fibre is extraordinarily low compared to the MIR, it could be 0.1% of MIR. Zelan tries to maintain CIR at 10% of MIR for FWA services. This means under worst case conditions you will likely get much the same minimum service from Fibre and FWA. Whilst CIR should be the minimum, there can be exceptional factors beyond Zelan's control than can degrade service further, but these should not occur regularly.

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0800 89 4151

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